/* * * Author Jean-Philippe SARDA https://twitter.com/jpsarda * Code released under Common Creative license * Framework mootools https://mootools.net/ * */ var _zo___initVar=0; var _zo___cursorBlinkVar=0; var _zo___backspaceLastTime=0; var _zo___UDarrowLastTime=0; var _zo___booting=1; var _zo___currentContext=0; var _zo___commands=[]; var _zo___history=[]; var _zo___historyIndex=0; var _zo___historyCurrentLine=''; var _zo___saveRenew=1; var _zo___initRestore=0; var _zo___space='\u00A0'; window.addEvent('domready', function() {_zo___initEngineOnce(); _zo___startEngine();}); window.addEvent ('resize', function() {_zo___windowResize();}); window.addEvent ('click', function() {_zo___focusForce();}); //window.addEvent ('keypress', function() {focusForce();}); //window.addEvent ('keydown', function() {focusForce();}); //window.addEvent ('keyup', function() {focusForce();}); window.addEvent ('focus', function() {_zo___focusForce();}); // Command base class // var BaseCommand = new Class({ //We're using options Implements: Options, //Set our default options options : { context : 0 //object of class Context }, //Command name name : '', //Command shows up on commands list hidden : false, //Have our initialization function //set the options using setOptions initialize : function(options){ this.setOptions(options); }, //call this method to release all allocations release : function(){ //clean timers, memory, listeners //... }, //call this method to end the command execution over : function(){ this.release(); //inform the OS that the command is over. this.options.context.over(); }, //call this method when ending the command execution output : function(str){ this.options.context.output(str); }, //call this method to get user input input : function(){ this.options.context.input(); }, //to override to implement the command logic execute : function(arg){ //output a line on the console //this.output('Unknown command, type "help"'); this.over(); }, //Common message when a server request fails command_ooo : function(){ this.output('Sorry this command is temporarly out of service'); }, // // Called by the OS // //called by the OS, execute the command with the arguments arg (string) start : function(ctxt,arg){ this.options.context=ctxt; this.execute(arg); }, //called by the OS, new user entry user_entry : function(entry) { //... }, //called by the OS, returns a one line help about the command help : function() { return ''; }, //called by the OS, force exit (the context is inactive after this call) force_exit : function(arg){ this.release(); } }); // Commands // var AboutCommand = new Class({ Extends : BaseCommand, name : 'about', execute : function(arg){ //this.output('Si et JP portfolio version 0.103'); this.output("Si et JP is the name of my company (based in Paris, France). I'm JP SARDA, a senior freelance developer.
Specialized in iPhone & Android development, Digital Television Satellite DTT IPTV VOD architecture design, Flash PHP MySQL development, Game design & development."); this.output(""); this.output("Type \"contact\" to get in touch."); this.output(""); this.over(); }, help : function() { return 'Display informations about Si et JP'; } }); var ContactCommand = new Class({ Extends : BaseCommand, name : 'contact', execute : function(arg){ this.output(""); this.output("jpsarda@sietjp.com"); this.output(""); this.over(); }, help : function() { return 'Display contact informations'; } }); var PortfolioCommand = new Class({ Extends : BaseCommand, name : 'portfolio', execute : function(arg){ this.output("Some of my achievements..."); this.output("Game design and development : Moonlights (50,000 copies sold)"); this.output("Game design and development : Blockoban (150,000 downloads)"); this.output("Website design and development : Bonus Level (5,000 visitors/day)"); this.output("Website design and development : Cucumis (25,000 visitors/day)"); this.output("Digital TV design : Bouygues Bbox (IPTV & VOD platform architecture & design)"); this.output("iPhone + Android application : Piste et Trésor outdoor riddle game, with geoloc, compass & maps"); this.output("Suite of Android applications for Radio France : Radio France with live streaming, podcasts, news, notifications."); this.output(""); this.over(); }, help : function() { return 'Display some of the works of Si et JP'; } }); var HelpCommand = new Class({ Extends : BaseCommand, name : 'help', execute : function(arg){ var commandList='Commands list :
'; //now you call the myArrayFunction for EACH item within the array _zo___commands.each(function(item) { if ((item.name!='')&&(!item.hidden)) { commandList+=' '+item.name; } }); //output this.output(commandList); this.output('
Type a command name followed by "?" or "help" to display specific help'); //this.output('Examples :
"will ?"
"google help"'); this.over(); }, help : function() { return 'Output the commands list'; } }); var MenuCommand = new Class({ Extends : BaseCommand, name : 'menu', execute : function(arg){ this.output('
Type (or click) "portfolio" "about" "contact"
'); //this.output('Examples :
"will ?"
"google help"'); this.over(); }, help : function() { return 'Output the menu'; } }); var HotCommand = new Class({ Extends : BaseCommand, name : 'hot', execute : function(arg){ //request on the server var myRequest = new Request({method: 'get', url: '/hot.php', onSuccess: function(responseText, responseXML){ this.response(responseText); }.bind(this), onFailure:function(xhr){ this.response(false); }.bind(this)}); myRequest.send(); }, response : function(res){ if (res!=false) { //output the result on the console this.output(res); } else { //informs that the command is out of order this.command_ooo(); } //command is over, OS becomes the master this.over(); }, help : function() { return 'Usage : "hot"
Displays the hotest and the latest commands saved on zeOracle'; } }); var WillCommand = new Class({ Extends : BaseCommand, name : 'will', execute : function(arg){ //request on the server var myRequest = new Request({method: 'get', url: '/think.php', onSuccess: function(responseText, responseXML){ this.response(responseText); }.bind(this), onFailure:function(xhr){ this.response(false); }.bind(this)}); myRequest.send('cmd='+escape(this.name)+'&ask='+escape(arg)); }, response : function(res){ if (res!=false) { //output the result on the console this.output(res); } else { //informs that the command is out of order this.command_ooo(); } //command is over, OS becomes the master this.over(); }, help : function() { return 'Usage : "will [your question about the future]"
Instrucions : zeOracle answers Yes or No
Examples :
"will I be a great man one day ?"
"will obama be the next president of the united states ?"'; } }); var SaveCommand = new Class({ Extends : BaseCommand, name : 'save', execute : function(arg){ var error=0; var option=(arg.split(' ',1))[0]; option=option.toLowerCase(); var password=""; if (option=='-p') { arg=arg.substr(option.length).clean(); password=(arg.split(' ',1))[0]; arg=arg.substr(password.length).clean(); } var name=arg.clean(); if (!name.match(/^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/i)) { error=1; } if (!password.match(/^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/i)) { error=1; } if (error==1) { this.output('Invalid parameters'); this.output(this.help()); this.over(); return; } //request on the server cmds=''; var i=_zo___history.length; while(i--) { var cmd=(_zo___history[i].split(' ',1))[0]; cmd=cmd.toLowerCase().clean(); if ((cmd=='clear')||(cmd=='reboot')) { break; } if (cmd!='save') { if (cmds=='') { cmds=_zo___history[i]; } else { cmds=_zo___history[i]+"\n"+cmds; } } } var myRequest = new Request({method: 'post', url: '/savecmds.php', onSuccess: function(responseText, responseXML){ this.response(responseText); }.bind(this), onFailure:function(xhr){ this.response(false); }.bind(this)}); myRequest.send('name='+escape(name)+'&pwd='+password+"&renew="+_zo___saveRenew+'&cmds='+escape(cmds)); _zo___saveRenew=0; }, response : function(res){ if (res!=false) { //output the result on the console this.output(res); } else { //informs that the command is out of order this.command_ooo(); } //command is over, OS becomes the master this.over(); }, help : function() { return 'Usage : "save [[-p password] save_name]"

Use this to send the commands history to zeOracle servers, zeOracle will then provide a public url to restore your session. The name is optional, use it to get a fancy restore url, like zeoracle.com/myfancyname. Use a password to be able to overwrite this custom name.

Examples :
"save mysession"
save -p mypassword mysession'; } }); var ClearCommand = new Class({ Extends : BaseCommand, name : 'clear', execute : function(arg){ _zo___clear(); this.over(); }, help : function() { return 'Clear the screen'; } }); var RebootCommand = new Class({ Extends : BaseCommand, name : 'reboot', execute : function(arg){ window.location.reload(); //_zo___initIndex=0; //_zo___initIndexReady=0; //_zo___initReadyIndex=0; //_zo___clear(); //this.over(); //_zo___startEngine(); }, help : function() { return 'Reboot zeOracle'; } }); var SdkCommand = new Class({ Extends : BaseCommand, name : 'sdk', execute : function(arg){ var option=(arg.split(' ',1))[0]; option=option.toLowerCase(); if (option=='-test') { arg=arg.substr(option.length).clean(); className=(arg.split(' ',1))[0]; arg=arg.substr(className.length).clean(); var scriptInject = new Element('script', {'type': 'text/javascript'}); scriptInject.set('html','var _zo___injectError=0; try { '+arg+' ; var _zo___instance=new '+className+'({}); _zo___addCommand(_zo___instance); } catch (err) { _zo___injectError=err; } _zo___currentContext.options.cmd.injectResult(_zo___injectError);'); $('inject').empty(); scriptInject.inject($('inject')); } else { //request the help text on the server var myRequest = new Request({method: 'get', url: '/sdkhelp.php', onSuccess: function(responseText, responseXML){ this.response(responseText); }.bind(this), onFailure:function(xhr){ this.response(false); }.bind(this)}); myRequest.send('cmd='+escape(this.name)+'&ask='+escape(arg)); } }, injectResult: function(res){ if (res===0) { this.output('Code added'); } else { $('inject').empty(); this.output('Javascript error : '+res); } this.over(); }, response : function(res){ if (res!=false) { //output the result on the console res=res.replace(//g,'>').replace(/ /gi,' ').replace(new RegExp( "\\n", "g" ),'
'); this.output(res); } else { //informs that the command is out of order this.command_ooo(); } //command is over, OS becomes the master this.over(); }, help : function() { var toret='Create your own commands on zeOracle.com'; toret+='
Usage :
sdk [-test MyCommandClass my javascript code]

Type "sdk" to display the documentation and more examples of commands
Type "sdk -test MyCommandClass my javascript code" to test your command on zeOracle'; toret+='

Example, type the following line to create a new command called "mycmd" :
sdk -test MyOwnCommand var MyOwnCommand = new Class({ Extends : BaseCommand, name : \'mycmd\', execute : function(arg){ this.output(\'My Own Command!!!\'); this.over(); }, help : function() { return \'MyOwnCommand\'; }, });'; toret+='

Once your command is added you can use it like all other commands and it appears in commands list (type "help")'; toret+='

Can\'t wait to contribute ? Write to contact@zeoracle.com'; return toret; } }); var TwitterCommand = new Class({ Extends : BaseCommand, name : 'twitter', timer:0, execute : function(arg){ if (arg=='') { this.over(); return; } var myRequest = new Request.JSONP({ //url: 'https://search.twitter.com/search.json', url: 'https://bonuslevel.org/twitterpx/search/tweets.json', retries:0, timeout:5000, data: { q:arg }, onComplete: function(res){ this.response(res); }.bind(this) }); this.timer=this.timeout.bind(this).periodical(5000); myRequest.send(); }, timeout:function() { this.response(false); }, response : function(res) { clearTimeout(this.timer); if (res!=false) { //output the result on the console if (res.statuses) { res.statuses.each(function(item) { this.output('@'+item.from_user+' ('+item.created_at.substr(0,16)+') : '+_zo___replaceTweet(item.text)); }.bind(this)); } else { this.command_ooo(); } } else { //informs that the command is out of order this.command_ooo(); } //command is over, OS becomes the master this.over(); }, help : function() { return 'Search the public twitter time line.
Example : "twitter iphone games"'; } }); var GoogleCommand = new Class({ Extends : BaseCommand, name : 'google', timer:0, execute : function(arg){ var option=(arg.split(' ',1))[0]; option=option.toLowerCase(); var urlAdd="web"; if ((option=='-web')||(option=='-books')||(option=='-blogs')||(option=='-news')||(option=='-video')||(option=='-images')||(option=='-patent')) { urlAdd=option.substr(1); arg=arg.substr(option.length).clean(); } var myRequest = new Request.JSONP({ url: 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/'+urlAdd, retries:0, timeout:5000, data: { v:'1.0', q:arg }, onComplete: function(res){ this.response(res); }.bind(this) }); this.timer=this.timeout.bind(this).periodical(5000); myRequest.send(); }, timeout:function() { this.response(false); }, response : function(res) { clearTimeout(this.timer); if (res!=false) { //output the result on the console if (res.responseData) { res.responseData.results.each(function(item) { var url=''; if (item.unescapedUrl) url=item.unescapedUrl; if (item.postUrl) url=item.postUrl; if (item.playUrl) url=item.playUrl; var linkVisible=item.title; if (item.visibleUrl) linkVisible+=' ('+item.visibleUrl+')'; var resume=''; if (item.content) resume=' : '+item.content; this.output(''+linkVisible+''+resume); }.bind(this)); } else { if (res.responseDetails) this.output(res.responseDetails); else this.command_ooo(); } } else { //informs that the command is out of order this.command_ooo(); } //command is over, OS becomes the master this.over(); }, help : function() { return 'Search with google
Usage : "google [-option] key words"
Examples :
"google iphone games"
"google -news games"
"google -video"
"google -blogs"
"google -books"
"google -images"
"google -patent microsoft"'; } }); var TranslateCommand = new Class({ Extends : BaseCommand, name : 'translate', timer:0, execute : function(arg){ arg=arg.clean(); var args=arg.split(' '); var nooptions=0; var oldItem=''; var source=''; var dest='en'; var error=0; var arg=''; args.each(function(item) { if ((error==1)) return false; item=item.toLowerCase(); if (nooptions<2) { if (oldItem=='-s') { if (item.match(/^[a-z]+[-a-z]*$/i)) { source=item; nooptions=0; } else { error=1; } } else if (oldItem=='-d') { if (item.match(/^[a-z]+[-a-z]*$/i)) { dest=item; nooptions=0; } else { error=1; } } else { nooptions++; } } if (nooptions>=2) { arg+=' '+item; } else { arg=item; } oldItem=item; }); arg=arg.clean(); if (arg=='') error=1; if (error==0) { var myRequest = new Request.JSONP({ url: 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/language/translate', retries:0, timeout:5000, data: { v:'1.0', langpair:source+'|'+dest, q:arg }, onComplete: function(res){ this.response(res); }.bind(this) }); this.timer=this.timeout.bind(this).periodical(5000); myRequest.send(); } else { this.output('Invalid parameters'); this.output(this.help()); this.over(); } }, timeout:function() { this.response(false); }, response : function(res) { clearTimeout(this.timer); if (res!=false) { //output the result on the console if (res.responseData) { if (res.responseData.translatedText) this.output(res.responseData.translatedText); this.output('powered by google'); } else { //_zo___debugLog(res.responseData.results); if (res.responseDetails) this.output(res.responseDetails); else this.command_ooo(); } } else { //informs that the command is out of order this.command_ooo(); } //command is over, OS becomes the master this.over(); }, help : function() { return 'Translate a text
Usage : "translate [-s SOURCE_LANGUAGE_ISO_CODE] [-d DESTINATION_LANGUAGE_ISO_CODE] the text to be transalted"
Instructions :
The default destination language is "en" (english). If no source language is specified, it\'s auto-detected.
Examples :
"translate bonjour comment ça va ?"
"translate -d fr Hello how are you ?"
"translate -d es Bonjour comment ça va ?"
"translate -s fr -d it Bonjour comment ça va ?"'; } }); _zo___commands.push(new BaseCommand({})); _zo___commands.push(new MenuCommand({})); _zo___commands.push(new AboutCommand({})); _zo___commands.push(new PortfolioCommand({})); _zo___commands.push(new ContactCommand({})); //_zo___commands.push(new WillCommand({})); //_zo___commands.push(new SaveCommand({})); //_zo___commands.push(new HotCommand({})); //_zo___commands.push(new TwitterCommand({})); //_zo___commands.push(new GoogleCommand({})); //_zo___commands.push(new TranslateCommand({})); _zo___commands.push(new ClearCommand({})); _zo___commands.push(new RebootCommand({})); //_zo___commands.push(new SdkCommand({})); _zo___commands.push(new HelpCommand({})); var _zo___addCommand = function(cmd) { var index=-1; var i=0; _zo___commands.each(function(item) { if (item.name==cmd.name) { index=i; } i++; }); if (index>=0) { _zo___commands[index]=cmd; } else { _zo___commands.push(cmd); } } // Context class // var Context = new Class({ //We're using options Implements: Options, //Set our default options options : { active : false, //is context active or not cmd : 0 //corresponding BaseCommand (or extended) object }, //Have our initialization function //set the options using setOptions initialize : function(options){ this.setOptions(options); }, //call this method to release the context and force_exit the command force_exit : function(){ cmd.force_exit(); this.over(); }, //call this method to start the command execution start : function(arg){ this.options.active=true; this.options.cmd.start(this,arg); }, //call this method to end the command execution over : function(){ this.input(); this.options.active=false; _zo___currentContext=0; }, //call this method when ending the command execution output : function(str){ if (!this.options.active) return; _zo___appendLine(str,0); }, //call this method to get user input input : function(){ if (!this.options.active) return; _zo___inputVisible(1); } }); // Starting engine // var _zo___startEngine = function() { _zo___booting=1; _zo___inputVisible(0); _zo___appendLine('Si et JP portfolio version 0.103',0); clearTimeout(_zo___initVar); var timerDelay=60; if (_zo___initCmds.length>0) timerDelay=20; _zo___initVar = _zo___init.periodical(timerDelay); } var _zo___keyDownTest = function(event) { if (event.key=='backspace') _zo___backspaceEnter(); else if (event.key=='up') _zo___UDarrowEnter(-1); else if (event.key=='down') _zo___UDarrowEnter(1); } var _zo___smartPhone=false; var _zo___initEngineOnce = function() { zo___smartPhone=DetectSmartphone(); if(window.location.hash.length>1) { var initCmd=""; if (window.location.hash.substr(0,1)=="#") initCmd=window.location.hash.replace('#',''); else initCmd=window.location.hash; _zo___initCmds.splice(0,0,initCmd); } $('userentry').setStyle('width', 1); _zo___windowResize(); _zo___blinkActive(1); $('userform').addEvent('submit', function(event) {event.stopPropagation(); _zo___enter(); return false;}); $('userentry').addEvent('focus', function(event) {_zo___blinkActive(1);}); $('userentry').addEvent('blur', function(event) {_zo___blinkActive(0);}); $('userentry').addEvent('keyup', function(event) {_zo___updateNewKey(event);}); $('userentry').addEvent('keydown', function(event) {_zo___updateNewKey(event); _zo___keyDownTest(event);}); $('userentry').addEvent('keypress', function(event) {_zo___updateNewKey(event); _zo___keyDownTest(event);}); } var _zo___clear = function() { _zo___saveRenew=1; $('currententry').set('html',''); $('userentry').set('value',''); $('toplines').set('html',''); _zo___inputVisible(1); } var _zo___blinkActive = function(b) { if (b==1) { if (_zo___cursorBlinkVar==0) { $('cursor').removeClass('invisible'); _zo___cursorBlinkVar=_zo___cursorBlink.periodical(500); } } else { if (_zo___cursorBlinkVar!=0) { $('cursor').addClass('invisible'); clearTimeout(_zo___cursorBlinkVar); _zo___cursorBlinkVar=0; } } } // Keyboard // var _zo___cursorBlink = function() { $('cursor').toggleClass('invisible'); } var _zo___backspaceEnter = function() { var timestamp=new Date().getTime(); if (timestamp-_zo___backspaceLastTime>20) { var current=$('currententry').get('html'); //debugLog('backspaceEnter current.length='+current.length); if (current.length>0) { var cut=1; var charToDelete=current.substr(current.length-1,1); if (charToDelete==';') { var special; if (current.length>=6) { special=current.substr(current.length-6,6); if ((special==' ')) cut=6; } if (current.length>=5) { special=current.substr(current.length-5,5); if ((special=='&')) cut=5; } if (current.length>=4) { special=current.substr(current.length-4,4); if ((special=='>')||(special=='<')) cut=4; } //debugLog('backspaceEnter '+special+' '+cut); } $('currententry').set('html',current.substr(0,current.length-cut)); _zo___historyIndex=_zo___history.length; } _zo___backspaceLastTime=timestamp; } } var _zo___UDarrowEnter = function(add) { var timestamp=new Date().getTime(); if (timestamp-_zo___UDarrowLastTime>20) { if (_zo___historyIndex==_zo___history.length) { _zo___historyCurrentLine=$('currententry').get('html'); } var newHistoryIndex=_zo___historyIndex+add; //_zo___debugLog(newHistoryIndex+' '+_zo___history.length); if ((newHistoryIndex>=0)&&(newHistoryIndex<_zo___history.length)) { $('currententry').set('html',_zo___history[newHistoryIndex]); _zo___historyIndex=newHistoryIndex; } else if (newHistoryIndex==_zo___history.length) { $('currententry').set('html',_zo___historyCurrentLine); _zo___historyIndex=newHistoryIndex; } _zo___UDarrowLastTime=timestamp; } } var _zo___updateNewKey = function(event) { if (_zo___booting==0) { var usercurrententry=$('currententry'); var before=usercurrententry.get('html'); var key=$('userentry').get('value'); if (key==' ') key=_zo___space; usercurrententry.appendText(key); if (_zo___historyIndex<_zo___history.length) { if (before.length<(usercurrententry.get('html')).length) { _zo___historyIndex=_zo___history.length; } } } $('userentry').set('value','') //debugLog('updateEnter'); } // Input // var _zo___nextRestoreCommandFunctionVar=0; var _zo___nextRestoreCommand = ''; var _zo___nextRestoreCommandFunction = function() { clearTimeout(_zo___nextRestoreCommandFunctionVar); _zo___nextRestoreCommandFunctionVar=0; _zo___initRestore++; _zo___enterEntry(_zo___nextRestoreCommand); } var _zo___inputVisible = function(b) { if (b==1) { $('input').setStyle('visibility',''); _zo___focusForce(); _zo___waitAnim(0); //Command restore ? if (_zo___initRestore>=0) { if (_zo___initRestore>=_zo___initCmds.length) { _zo___initRestore=-1; } else { if (_zo___nextRestoreCommandFunctionVar==0) { _zo___nextRestoreCommand=_zo___initCmds[_zo___initRestore]; _zo___nextRestoreCommandFunctionVar=_zo___nextRestoreCommandFunction.bind(this).periodical(1); } } } } else { $('input').setStyle('visibility','hidden'); _zo___waitAnim(1); } window.scrollBy(0,100000); // horizontal and vertical scroll increments } var _zo___enter = function() { if (_zo___booting!=0) return; //prepare _zo___updateNewKey(null); var entry=$('currententry').get('html')+$('userentry').get('value'); _zo___enterEntry(entry); } var _zo___enterEntry = function(entry) { entry=entry.clean(); entry=entry.replace(' ',' '); _zo___inputVisible(0); //erase $('currententry').set('html',''); _zo___appendLine(entry,1); _zo___history.push(entry); _zo___historyIndex=_zo___history.length; if (_zo___currentContext!=0) { _zo___currentContext.options.cmd.user_entry(entry); } else { //entry=(entry.toLowerCase()); var cmd=(entry.split(' ',1))[0]; cmd=cmd.toLowerCase(); var commandFound=false; //now you call the myArrayFunction for EACH item within the array _zo___commands.each(function(item) { //debugLog('item.cmd='+item.cmd); if (_zo___currentContext==0) { if (item.name==cmd) { commandFound=true; var arg=entry.substr(cmd.length).clean(); if ((arg=="?")||(arg=="help")) { _zo___result(item.help()); } else { arg=arg.replace(/>/gi,'>').replace(/</gi,'<').replace(/&/gi,'&'); _zo___currentContext=new Context({cmd:item}); _zo___currentContext.start(arg); } //break; } } }); if (!commandFound) { _zo___result("Unknown command (type \"help\")"); } } } var _zo___result = function(txt) { _zo___appendLine(txt,0); _zo___inputVisible(1); } // Initialization // var _zo___initIndex=0; var _zo___initIndexReady=0; var _zo___initReadyIndex=0; var _zo___initReady = function () { //alert('toto'); _zo___initReadyIndex++; if (_zo___initReadyIndex==1) { if (_zo___initIndexReady==0) { _zo___appendInLine('iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Flash, PHP, MySQL ',0); } else if (_zo___initIndexReady==1) { _zo___appendInLine('Digital Television Satellite DTT IPTV VOD ',0); } else if (_zo___initIndexReady==2) { _zo___appendInLine('Game Design ',0); } } else if ((_zo___initReadyIndex>=1)&&(_zo___initReadyIndex<=Number.random(5, 10))) { _zo___appendInLine('.',0); } else { _zo___appendLine(' ready',0); _zo___initReadyIndex=0; _zo___initIndexReady++; _zo___initIndex++; //next init line } } var _zo___initLines=[]; // https://patorjk.com/software/taag/ // Standard _zo___initLines.push(" _____ _ _ ______ "); _zo___initLines.push(" / ____(_) | | | | __ \\ "); _zo___initLines.push("| (___ _ ___| |_ | | |__) |"); _zo___initLines.push(" \\___ \\| | / _ \\ __| _ | | ___/ "); _zo___initLines.push(" ____) | | | __/ |_ | |__| | | "); _zo___initLines.push("|_____/|_| \\___|\\__| \\____/|_| "); _zo___initLines.push(''); _zo___initLines.push(_zo___initReady); _zo___initLines.push(_zo___initReady); _zo___initLines.push(_zo___initReady); _zo___initLines.push(''); //_zo___initLines.push('Type "portfolio" "about" "contact" or "help"'); //_zo___initLines.push('zeOracle is listening to you'); var _zo___init = function() { if (Number.random(0, 100) < 30) return; //_zo___debugLog('init() _zo___initIndex='+_zo___initIndex+' '+_zo___initLines[_zo___initIndex]); if (_zo___initLines[_zo___initIndex] !== undefined) { var nextLine=_zo___initLines[_zo___initIndex]; if (typeof(nextLine)=='function') { nextLine(); } else { _zo___appendLine(nextLine,0,1); _zo___initIndex++; } } else { clearTimeout(_zo___initVar); _zo___initVar=0; _zo___booting=0; _zo___inputVisible(1); } } // Utils // var _zo___appendInLine = function(line,prompt) { var toplines=$('toplines'); if (prompt==1) { toplines.appendText('> '+line); } else { toplines.appendText(line); } } var _zo___appendLine = function(line,prompt,transform) { //$('toplines').appendText('> '+line+'\n'); var toplines=$('toplines'); if (transform==1) { line=line.replace(/ /gi,' '); } if (prompt==1) { toplines.set('html',toplines.get('html')+'> '+line+'
'); } else { toplines.set('html',toplines.get('html')+line+'
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